TYPE: Career and Technical Education Committee
DATE: 4/25/2024       TIME: 5:30 PM
LOCATION: School Board Rooms: 797 Westminster Street, Providence, RI; 3rd Floor
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
1.0 Convene Meeting
1.1 Call to Order Info
2.0 Approve Agenda
2.1 Approval of the Agenda Action
3.0 Consent Agenda
3.1 Approval of Minutes 1-31-2024 Action
4.0 Planning
4.1 CTE Updates and CTE/Redesign Work Info/Action
4.2 Next Steps with Exit Policy Info/Action
4.3 Strategic Planning Info/Action
4.4 Upcoming Events Info/Action
5.0 Adjourn
5.1 Adjourn Meeting Action
Next Policy Committee Meeting is May 1, 2024